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Park Forest Public Library
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Relationship between the Board of Trustees and the Library Director Policy

Relationship Between the Board of Trustees and the Library Director Policy

The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees are:

  • The Board of Trustees serves as the basic policy making body for the library.
  • The Board of Trustees shall select, appoint, and evaluate the Library Director.
  • The Board of Trustees shall promote the library and interpret the library program to the community.
  • The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for the approval of the annual library budget.  The annual library budget shall be drafted by the Library Director working with the Board, and shall be approved by the Board prior to its being submitted for public hearing.  The budget shall be approved in time to be incorporated in the annual Village budget. 
  • Once the annual library budget is approved, the library operating funds may be expended without specific Board approval of individual expenditures up to the budget total for that category.  All expenditures of $3,000 or more not anticipated in the budget must be first formally approved by the Board, and the reason for the expenditures must be stated in the minutes of a regular Board meeting. 
  • The Board must formally approve any expenditures, transfers, or loans made from any bond fund, special fund, or other non-operating funds over which the Board has control.  The Board may make expenditures, transfers, and loans only as permitted by existing statutes, ordinances, and other applicable laws.
  • The Board must formally approve any and all substantive changes to existing Job Descriptions including but not limited to compensation, additional duties, or a change in existing duties.
  • The President of the Board of Trustees shall be authorized by Board action to sign contracts involving the library.  Routine purchase and maintenance agreements may be signed by the Library Director.
  • The Board shall determine that the property of the library is adequately insured against loss and damage.  The Board shall also determine that the library carries adequate general liability insurance, and any other types of insurance which it considers necessary.       

The duties and responsibilities of the Library Director are:

  • The Library Director serves as chief executive of the library and is responsible for the administrative duties of the library under the general policies approved by the Board of Trustees.  The Library Director is directly responsible to the Board and through the Board to the community.
  • The Library Director will maintain an ongoing program of public relations and, when appropriate, suggest and direct any possible extension of library services.
  • The Library Director is responsible for the administration of the budget as set forth by the Board of Trustees.
  • The Library Director shall recommend substantive changes to the established library Job Descriptions, including but not limited to compensation, additional duties, or a change in existing duties.
  • The Library Director shall attend all meetings of the Board and is urged to speak on all subjects under discussion, but shall have no vote.
  • The Library Director shall select and direct the staff of the library, and is responsible for their evaluation.
  • The Library Director or designee is responsible for material selection and purchase in accordance with the library’s Material Selection Policy.
  • Book sales may be held at the discretion of Library Director to clear storage areas of gift books and discarded materials which are not of use to the Park Forest Public Library or another library in the area.