Explore More Illinois is a free service provided by the library that provides instant online access to free and discounted tickets to museums, science centers, sporting events, zoos, park districts, theatres, and other fun and local cultural venues.
Log in with your library card credentials and browse for passes by date or attractions. If you do not know your PIN or password, or if you have problems logging into Explore More Illinois, please contact the library. Make your reservation and print or download your pass shortly before your visit. You can have three active reservations per library card. Please cancel your reservation(s) if unable to attend, otherwise the reservation will count as being used. Remember that once you print or download your pass you cannot cancel your reservation.
Explore More Illinois users must be 18 years or older. Attractions may require a photo ID in addition to the reservation.
Current Attractions: Some attractions may not show up as available to you if all of the passes are used or if the attraction is limited to a geographic area.