Memory Care Online Resources
Helpful Tools and Resources for Memory Support
AARP: Dementia vs Alzheimer's: Which is it?
AgeOptions: Empowering people to thrive as they age
Alzheimer's Association Caregiver 24/7 Helpline: (800) 272-3900
Tips for Caregivers and Families of People with Dementia Memory Clinics in Illinois
IRC-Illinois Respite Coalition: Caregiver Resources
Mayo Clinic: When symptoms begin before age 65 Tools and Resources for Caregivers and Their Loved Ones
Porter Place: An Anthem Memory Care Community
UChicago Medicine: Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia
UChicago Medicine: Memory Center
Suggestions for more online resources for Memory Care? Email your suggestions to:
Katherine Goosby-Senior Services Coordinator @